
Village New Sverdzen, Byelorussia.

6 centurys

We love the native nature

Our village exists more than 6 centuries and the nature should be kept for our descendants.

< We - people.  >
The nature
DreamsThe world
Table of contents
The mosaic's Stolbcy
History Stolbcy
History New Sverdzen
gerb New Sverdzen
We invite you in our village.!!

Place (village) New Sverdzen area Stolbcy The Minsk area of Byelorussia exists since times Great Princedoms Lithuanian. It is an alive history of a slavic life. An interlacing of destinies all the East Europe peoples.

Place New Sverdzen near river Neman
in Belarussia - this :
Fine place for rural tourism.,
among the wonderful and quiet nature,
and sets of historical places
and monuments.



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